Welcome to TSM Art Gallery

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          GC 2023 Pan 5
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          Denali (The Great One), Alaska
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          Milford Track, New Zealand
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          Storm, Cirque of the Towers, Wyoming
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          Cana Island Lighthouse Aerial, Door County, Wisconsin
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          Arawhata River, New Zealand
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Shop Fine Art Investments

I am a professional landscape photographer from Wisconsin and am excited to share my many fine art photographs with you. I hope that you enjoy your visit and will return. I'll add new photographs over time, so keep checking! Also, sign up for my email list so that you're the first to know about new images and special offers.

Go my children, burn your books, buy yourselves stout shoes. Get away to the mountains, the deserts, and the deepest recesses of the earth. In this way and no other will you gain a true knowledge of things and their properties. ~~ Peter Severinus, 1571

Trusted Art Seller

Trusted Art Seller

The presence of this badge signifies that this business has officially registered with the Art Storefronts Organization and has an established track record of selling art.

It also means that buyers can trust that they are buying from a legitimate business. Art sellers that conduct fraudulent activity or that receive numerous complaints from buyers will have this badge revoked. If you would like to file a complaint about this seller, please do so here.

Verified Returns & Exchanges

Verified Returns & Exchanges

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this business has provided a returns & exchanges policy for all art purchases.

Description of Policy from Merchant:

Please contact me directly for returns, so that I may understand and fix the issue in the future. Thank you!

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This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!

This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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